
Discussion of the Ph.D student's thesis (Maysa Banai Zubairi)
Publishing date :2023-05-15

On 15/5/2023,  Discussion of the Ph.D student's thesis (Maysa Banai Zubairi) branch of pharmacology tagged:

(Effects of topical antibiotic muprocin in insulin-based nano emulgel on diabetic rat wound healing)

The discussion committee was cosisted of:

Prof.. Dr. Ahmed Rahma Abu Ragheef (Chairman)

Prof. Dr. Ban Juma Qasim (Member)

Prof. Dr. Muwafaq Muhammad Gharib (Member)

Prof. Dr. Ghaith Ali Jassim (Member)

Assis Prof. Dr. Haitham Mahmoud Kazem (Member)

Prof. Dr. Abdul Karim Hamid Abdul (Member and Supervisor)

Assis .Prof. Dr. Muhammad Sabbar Abdul Reda (Member and Supervisor)

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