About the Continuing Education Unit:
The Continuing Education Unit is subject to the laws of the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research regarding the formation of continuing education units in Iraqi colleges and universities in terms of their establishment and formation, the legal scope in which they operate, and the powers enjoyed by the unit. The Continuing Education Unit seeks to develop the skills of teaching staff, employees, and workers in the college and overcome the difficulties facing this development to produce results that enhance these skills and to raise the scientific level, believing in the necessity of keeping pace with global development. Thus, our goal is to create a new generation of students and workers whose primary goal is to serve the nation and the public interest.
The most important activities of the Continuing Education Unit:
· Holding workshops and training courses.
· Holding administrative and legal courses in the fields of grammar, official correspondence, and employment laws.
· Holding courses in using computers with all their systems, using the Internet, and mail correspondence.
· Holding maintenance courses and engineering workshops.
The Continuing Education Unit distributes all courses, whether scientific or administrative, to all departments and members of the college, as well as to the universities of the country through the presidency of Al-Nahrain University in order to benefit the largest possible number of participants in these activities. The courses, whether scientific or administrative, are given by competent professors from the teaching staff of our college or in cooperation with universities, government institutions or the private sector. The Continuing Education Unit also contributes to holding free and regular courses and workshops for graduate students. The Continuing Education Unit grants a direct and detached book or a certificate of participation to each participant after the completion of each course. Vision, Mission and Objectives:
The concept of continuing education has evolved from a learning process for multiple cognitive aspects within and outside the field of specialization with the aim of cognitive enrichment and continuous mental exercise after completing the systematic study to an urgent need imposed by the reality of the civilized world based on professional quality that has imposed that workers in public and private institutions obtain certificates for cognitive courses in specific fields to accept their assignment to certain tasks until it has become one of the necessities of accreditation for universities with the aim of providing solid centers for these courses required in the labor market. Achieving the modern concept of continuing education requires identifying employers in the public and private sectors to define the cognitive needs of their employees according to professional quality standards and opening channels of communication with education centers to coordinate to obtain this knowledge. This also requires education centers to know the degree of training of their graduates according to the standards of continuing education or what is known as accreditation degrees, which are translated when dealing with them in the labor market. These last requirements are still missing links from the reality and objectives of continuing education in the professional and academic fields in Iraq.
The message
Working to direct the process of continuing education in the College of Medicine at Al-Nahrain University to be the nucleus of a continuing education process according to the professional, economic and academic reality of advanced societies by establishing the concept of continuing education and the need for it in the minds of employers represented by government ministries and owners of capital in the private sector in general and completing the task within the medical field by dealing with medical institutions in the labor market, whether they are academic or service institutions, to determine, define and apply professional quality standards that require specific training areas provided by the programs of continuing medical education units, while working in the academic reality to establish a standard parallel to the internationally recognized standards regarding the degree of accreditation obtained for each training curriculum and to establish this standard centrally in the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research and by employers as a reference for professional quality and academic performance.
Unit objectives
In the short term
1. Organizing training programs in the medical field according to requirements determined by employers in the medical field, whether they are officials in the Ministry of Health, health departments and hospitals or deans of medical colleges.
2. Coordination within official channels with the relevant institutions to provide these courses within specific dates and prices.
In the long term
1. Establishing a continuing education reality based on professional quality requirements and academic accreditation standards.
2. The necessity of working with the Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research to define the accreditation standard for continuing education courses for the purpose of accrediting them by employers as requirements for specific tasks for their employees.