- To improve the teaching methods and change it to be Problem Based Learning (PBL) 100% so that the student (the doctor of the future) can deal with any problem of the patient and solve it even he is not oriented with it.
- To improve clinical and surgical skills of students and let them to know about new advances in surgery.
- To encourage the researches and studies that is beneficial to the society.
- To compete other colleges and be one of the leaders in the word.
- To graduate very efficient surgeons in all the specialties of surgery.
- To teach all the doctors (even those who have no interest in surgery) how to perform and do the life saving procedures like emergency tracheostomy, chest tube, fontanelle tapping, suturing, stop bleeding…etc, and to improve their surgical mind.
- To improve and encourage the scientific researches those are beneficial to the society and try to solve the problem of the difficult diseases like malignant diseases …etc, to improve the life of the human being.
At the end of the surgical courses, the student should be able to:
- Discover and define clinical features of surgical conditions common to this country.
- Define and discuss the mechanism by which these surgical illnesses occur.
- Use of the methods of clinical problem – solving to reach a diagnostic conclusion.
- Order appropriate investigations to define and solve problems presented by the clinical situation.
- Diagnose and manage surgical emergencies.
- Develop attitude of concern and responsibility for patients under his care.
- Recognize the need for early surgical consultation and maintain a partnership in management with the other members of the medical and paramedical personnel in which he becomes involved.
Instruction strategies
The department of surgery organizes the teaching with other departments to arrange a fully integrated theoretical courses and partly integrated clinical courses (HORIZANTAL INTEGRATION) using the following methods of instruction:
- Lectures and demonstrations.
- Small group discussion, seminars and clinical instruction.
- Operating room instruction.
- Self instruction through motivated readings and uses of audiovisual aids.
Final skills
The students should acquire the following skills:
- Diagnostic and therapeutic procedures e.g. catheterization, nasogastric tube introduction, endotracheal intubation, setting of intravenous lines and different injections.
- Wound dressing, bandaging, and POP application.
- Simple wounds suturing.
- Second assistance in surgery.
Methods of assessment
Mid-course examination
- Short assay questions
- Final-course examination
- short assays
- single and multiple choice questions