
Molecular and immunohistochemical detection of JC polyomavirus in human colorectal polyps in sample of Iraqi patients
ازهار عبد الفتاح ابراهيم
Authors : Intr. J.curr.Microbiol.App.Sci(2015)4(2):743-755
Out of 30 colorectal adenoma cases, 8 (26.7%) were positive for detection and colonic tissue biopsies. And 20(66.7%) were positive for LT-Ag expression in immunohistochemistry, whereas non of the normal colonic tissues were positive. More JC virus copies were present in colorectal carcinoma vs. normal tissue. Colorectal adenoma contain more viral copies and express JCv T-Ag compared to colonic normal tissues. Jc and its LT-Ag oncogenic protein may play a role in colorectal tumor development.

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November 2015