
Evaluation of Antemortem and Postmortem levels of organ chlorine pesticides in a sample of Iraqi
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Background Organochlorine pesticides have long been widely used in agriculture and in public health as highly effective pest control agents. They are lipophilic and have prolonged half-lives of years to decades; as a consequence, they accumulate in human adipose tissues and can cause chronic toxicity after long-term exposure. Objective To detect and measure the concentrations of organochlorine pesticides (trans-nonachlor and oxychlordane) in postmortem organs and fatty tissue as well as their concentrations in antemortem serum and fatty tissue samples and study their correlation with lipids in order to reveal the need for human monitoring. Methods The study was conducted on 40 antemortem samples of blood and fatty tissues and 41 postmortem samples of blood and different organ tissues to determine their lipid concentrations and detect metabolites of organochlorine pesticides and asses their correlations using spectrophotometer and HPLC techniques. Results The study observed that there was normal serum concentration of triglyceride (TG) and elevated cholesterol level, which were verse correlated with elevated serum concentrations of trans-nonachlore and oxychlordane pesticides. Serum concentrations of TG were (153.75 mg/dl) within “normal” range while mean serum of total cholesterol was (209.89 mg/dl) elevated above normal range. Percentage of concentration of serum to lipid trans-nonachlordane was (40.28 mg/dl) higher than that of oxychlordane was (28.42 mg/dl) in living subjects. The study observed that elevated concentrations of trans-nonachlor more than oxychlordane in postmortem tissue organs. Conclusion The study revealed that traces of organochlorines (trans-nonchlore and oxychlordane) were detected in human serum, fatty tissue and postmortem organs and positively correlated with some lipid profiles indicating the presence of human contamination. Both trans-nonchlore and oxychlordane were higher in lipid tissue than in serum and other tissues among postmortem cases. Keywords Organochlorine, trans-nonachlore, oxychlordane, postmortem, lipid profile Citation Hmood HS, Ali NM, Al-Qazzaz MA. Evaluation of antemortem and postmortem levels of organochlorine pesticides in a sample of Iraqi people. Iraqi JMS. 2017; Vol. 15(4). 420-430. doi: 10.22578/IJMS.15.4.13

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