
Parkinson’s Disease in A Kurdish Population
حسن عزيز الحمداني
Authors :
ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND : Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder of the central nervous system characterized by resting tremor, bradykinesia, cogwheel rigidity, and impairment of postural reflexes. It appears that certain environmental factors are involved. OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present work is to study the age, gender, residency, family history of patients with Parkinson’s disease in Kurdish population. PATIENTS AND METHODS: A cross sectional survey study conducted in outpatient clinic at Shar hospital, a teaching hospital in Sulaymania city, during the period between the first of October 2014 and first of February 2015. Thirty five patients diagnosed idiopathic Parkinson’s disease by a neurologist include in this study. Data was collected in outpatient in one hospital Shar teaching hospital in Sulaymania city. RESULT: Mean age of patients of Parkinson’s disease 65 years, disease started in male earlier than female in Kurdish population in Sulaymania. We found that 22 cases (62.9%) of total cases were male and 13 cases (37.1%) of all cases female, male was affected more than female. Male to female ratio was (1.7:1). There was statistically significant difference between cases who were living in urban area and who were living in rural area in regarding age but no significant difference regarding to gender. There is statistically significant difference in family history distribution in different age groups. Patients with family history positive of Parkinson’s disease affected the disease in earlier ages. There was statistically significant difference between age groups for smoking CONCLUSION: Male was more affected Parkinson’s disease than female, male with earlier ages in Kurdish population. Patients living in rural area and patients with positive family history of Parkinson’s disease affected by the disease in earlier ages.

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VOL. 17,NO.1, 2018